energy Flow

reset your nervous system and clear your

energy field to increase clarity and deepen your

inner self trust

What if through a nervous system reset, I can help you feel less stressed and more focused without having to second guess yourself so that you can gracefully navigate change with ease.

Did you know that times of transition can cause your nervous system to become dysregulated, creating fatigue and low energy.

This is what can lead you to feeling a bit muddled, disorganised and maybe even overwhelmed by the simplest things.

Go from hiding your creative spark to sharing it with the world and stepping into being the true artist that you are.

reset your nervous system

reset your nervous system ✶

2 ways to work with me via a personal live healing session .

  • Are you feeling trapped or overwhelmed by negative energy? Allow me to guide you through a powerful intuitive energy healing session that will leave you feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and back in alignment with your true self. During our time together, I will use a combination of energy healing techniques, intuitive guided readings and positive affirmations to clear away any blockages and restore balance to your mind, body, and spirit. Whether you're dealing with physical pain, emotional trauma, or just seeking a boost of positive energy, this session is perfect for anyone looking to experience deep healing and transformation.

    On-Line 75min Book Now

    In-Person 2hrs Book Now

  • Experience the transformative power of embodied creativity healing in a live session focused on activating your creative flow. During this session, you will be guided through gentle movements and meditation to release tension, restore balance, and ignite your inner creativity. Through a combination of breathwork, guided visualisation, and expressive mark-making, you will tap into your body's wisdom and unleash your full creative potential. Whether you're a writer, artist, musician, or simply seeking to cultivate more creative flow in your life, this session will leave you feeling inspired, centered, and ready to bring your creative visions to life.

    On-Line 75min Book Now

    In-Person 2hrs Book Now


You may be experiencing a time of transition due to grief, trauma, heartache, health issues or some other life changing experience. You may not even be aware of why you are feeling stuck, lost and unmotivated. On the other hand, you are fulfilling your soul purpose but are experiencing internal doubts due to self-limiting beliefs. Whatever the reason, this private and personal time in your life is affecting your relationships, work, business and creativity.

Just like a caterpillar entering into a chrysalis, this healing journey is a transformation into the longing to wake up into your authentic inner self. To burn through layers of contraction, inhibition and doubt. To remember who you really are, before the layers of coping and conditioning clouded over. 

creative flow

creative flow ✶


How Does It Work?

  • Prior to the session you share with me the area that you would like to focus on – like your career, relationships or personal concerns.

  • At the beginning of the session, we establish your desired reality to help guide the healing journey.

  • We bring to the surface what is underlying the challenge or concern and how it may be impacting your nervous system. 

  • Together we liberate and shift the energy so that you can move forward.

The Online Session

Find a comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed so you can be present during our time together.

Please have space around you so you can move during the session.

Have some water with you during the session.

Bring a journal with you to note down any insights that unfolded during the session.

After The Session

Make sure you feel grounded before heading out for the rest of the day.

You can journal any insights which may continue to come through in the coming days.

Drink lots of water in the next 48hrs as you will have shifted a lot of energy.

Water helps to continue to clear and move through so you may also want to take a swim in the ocean, take a hot bath or sit under a flowing hot shower.

A little about me

Hi, I’m Joanne Makas, an artist, intuitive energy guide and sound healing practitioner, feminine embodiment coach, creative flow mentor and founder of The Embodied Approach. I have over 30 years of experience in the creative field, across fashion, colour design, and visual art.

I am an intuitive space holder and somatic researcher with a keen interest in mysticism, ritual and alchemy. As a cultural creative, I support multi-passionate visionary women to establish harmony between their body, mind, heart and spirit so they can achieve clarity and flow in order to create their magic.


Many of my clients have said they feel much lighter after a session with me. This is because we have reset the nervous system to a normal level

Through these ways of working with me, together we liberate and shift energy so that you can move forward with clarity and a deeper sense o self trust!.


Better Sleep.



Ability to navigate change with ease.

To feel energised.

Have increased awareness.

Ability to be open and receptive.

Have attuned alertness.

To feel calmer.


energy flow

energy flow ✶