gain the clarity you are seeking and discover the available opportunities to shift, heal and grow

in today’s hectic technology driven, fast paced world it can be easy to neglect or ignore your spiritual wellbeing and feel a bit lost.

Want to know what your next aligned steps are so you can move forward with purpose, perspective and passion?

Trying to figure it out on your own can feel confusing, overwhelming and exhausting.

An intuitive energy reading is guidance channeled from Source Energy so that you can go from hiding your souls creative expression to sharing it with the world.

gain perspective

gain perspective ✶


a Sign,

a Nudge, Or

Guidance On Your

Souls Path

3 ways to work with me via a recorded energy reading

  • Who is this for: Feeling stagnant, hindered, or lacking inspiration?

    What is it: The chakra energy alignment reading is the perfect solution to rebalance your body's energy centers and bring back harmony to your mind, body, and soul.

    What to expect: In this reading, you can tell me what feels off-kilter and how it's impacting you emotionally. By tapping into your energetic field, I will pinpoint which chakra is causing imbalance and provide a chakra healing reading to assist in realigning your energy system.


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  • Who is it for: Are you searching for direction and understanding on a specific matter?

    What is it: Whether you need guidance on a particular problem or are exploring your spiritual journey, an oracle card reading can offer the insights you are seeking.

    What to expect: Allow the oracle's wisdom to shed light on your path and help you connect with your creative flow.


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  • Who is it for: Are you feeling aches and pains in your body that just won't seem to go away? It could be that there is an underlying energy blockage causing these discomforts.

    What is it: An intuitive energy reading can help identify where these blockages are and provide you with valuable insights on how to remove them.

    What to expect: By working to realign your energy and release any trapped emotions, you may find that your physical pain begins to dissipate.

    How it works: During checkout you will share details about your situation and any questions or curiosities you may have.


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How Does It Work?

  • During checkout you will share details about your situation and any questions or curiosities you may have. 

  • I may require additional information from you in order to provide an accurate reading. If not, you can expect to receive your reading via email within 48 hours.

  • Drop any expectations and come with an open mind and heart for the best possible outcome. 

  • The energy reading should not be used to make any important life decisions. It is meant to provide insight and guidance and is not medical advice.  Please always trust your own intuition and seek professional advice when making serious decisions. 

creative flow

creative flow ✶

A little about me

Hi, I’m Joanne Makas, an artist, intuitive energy guide and sound healing practitioner, feminine embodiment coach, creative flow mentor and founder of The Embodied Approach. I have over 30 years of experience in the creative field, across fashion, colour design, and visual art.

I am an intuitive space holder and somatic researcher with a keen interest in mysticism, ritual and alchemy. As a cultural creative, I support multi-passionate women establish harmony between their body, mind, heart and spirit so they can achieve clarity and flow in order to create their magic.


Many of my clients have said they feel much lighter after a session with me. This is because we have cleared their energy field

Through these ways of working with me, together we liberate and shift energy so that you can move forward with clarity and a deeper sense of self trust!.

WHEN YOUR energy field IS clear and HARMONIOUS EXPECT:

Better Sleep.



Ability to navigate change with ease.

To feel energised.

Have increased awareness.

Ability to be open and receptive.

Have attuned alertness.

To feel calmer.

energy flow

energy flow ✶